Pynt’s unique attack approach to API Security Testing powers our customers with complete security coverage, minimum efforts and maximum peace of mind.
Implement the highest compliance & security standards, by covering all security vulnerabilities lurking inside your APIs.
Get automated detection for OWASP’s Top 10 API Risks.
Get automated detection for what we find as the most critical risks, based on Pynt’s research.
Get automated detection for LLM API vulnerabilities, including vulnerabilities highlighted on OWASP’s LLM list.
Security Misconfiguration
Missing Authentication
Broken Object Level Authorization Vulnerability
Broken Authentication
Mass assignment
Broken Function Level Authorization Vulnerability
Unrestricted Resource Consumption
Server Side Request Forgery
Local File Access
Security Misconfiguration
Missing Authentication
OWASPPYNTBroken Object Level Authorization Vulnerability
Broken Authentication
Mass assignment
OWASPPYNTBroken Function Level Authorization Vulnerability
OWASPUnrestricted Resource Consumption
OWASPPYNTServer Side Request Forgery
LLMLocal File Access
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Convert Swagger definitions into real-world traffic, enabling dynamic, contextual, and automated security testing.
Run Pynt on every environment,
quickly and easily.
Stop running manual and periodical reports and leverage
Pynt to auto-generated Pentest reports.
Streamline fixes on proven API threats with clear
remediation path and automated tickets.
Pynt’s automated API discovery, uncovering undocumented APIs, shadow API and new APIs in development.
Security vulnerability identification
and remediation made simple.
All-encompassing view of API risk, spanning
from development to production.
Create secure APIs and fulfill your
compliance requirements.
We take security seriously. Learn more about Pynt’s security program and standards in our security hub.
Visit our Security Hub